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Dr. Girish N S

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Dr. Girish N S

MBBS, MRCP (Gen. Med), MRCP (Nephrology), CCT (UK)
20 Years of Experience

Specialization: Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation

Consultation Charge: Rs. 2900

Above charges are in INR, all inclusive for upto 15 Minutes

Profile Summary

Currently working as a Senior Consultant, Head of Dept of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation at Manipal Hospitals, Hebbal, Bangalore. I trained in the United Kingdom and worked for 11yrs before relocating to India. I completed my Nephrology training from Cambridge and was working as a Consultant Nephrologist at The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel, UK. My area of interest is in the field of kidney transplantation.

Our department at Manipal Hospitals, Hebbal caters to all type of services in Nephrology including Kidney transplantation. We performed the 1st of its kind Interhospital Swap Kidney transplant in South India in 2017. Services offered involves care and management of patients with Acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, vasculitis, autoimmune and other hereditary renal diseases. Apart from Hemodialysis, CRRT and Peritoneal dialysis we excel in living and cadaveric kidney transplants. We perform ABO incompatible (Across the blood group) and Swap transplants. Our emphasis has always been on quality and compassionate care to individuals.

Consultant & Head Department of Nephrology & Transplant medicine at Columbia Asia Hospitals, Hebbal and KMYF Ranka HD unit. I am responsible for 400 maintenance haemodialysis patients, with 6 days per week of outpatient clinics, daily inpatient ward rounds, provide oncall emergency support for 15 bedded ICU. I perform renal procedures such as tunelled and temporary haemodialysis catheters and renal biopsies). I head the live and cadaveric kidney transplantation program in our unit.

Acute Kidney Injury
Seeing inpatient renal consults on the ward, HDU & ITU has enhanced my experience in AKI management and familiarize techniques of CRRT (Haemofiltration)

General Nephrology and CKD experience
I have gained experience in management of acute and chronic problems related to General Nephrology & CKD. This is through regular ward rounds, clinics and oncall experience. I have done low clearance and conservative management clinics.

Haemodialysis & Vascular access
I have enjoyed the opportunity to work in various HD units, including a number of satellite units. I have done regular visits to satellite units and outreach clinics. I have regularly coordinated and led haemodialysis access planning, adequacy, anaemia and bone profile meetings. I have enjoyed the responsibility of prescribing dialysis and managing common dialysis related complications. I have spent quality time in dialysis unit to understand the process of HD/HDF. I have managed access related complications and regularly attend Vascular access MDT meetings to present cases on a regular basis.

Peritoneal dialysis
I perform medical insertions of peritoneal dialysis catheter independently. I am confident of managing wide range of PD related complications, dialysis prescription and changes. I am familiar with use of APD machines. I regularly do peritoneal dialysis adequacy, anaemia and MBD clinics. I have performed home visits to understand dialysis set up at home.

I enjoy the responsibility of managing acute post-transplants. I am confident in managing common immediate and late complications post-transplant. I have experience in post kidney pancreas transplant management and prescription of Immunosuppressants. I do weekly Live donor and pre transplant assessment clinics. I attend weekly transplant MDT & biopsy meetings. I am actively involved in high risk transplant MDT. I have some experience in management for ABO incompatible transplants and paired exchange transplants.


  • English
  • Hindi
  • Kannada
  • Tamil
  • Telugu 

Awards and Recognitions

  • Gold Medal for securing highest marks in General Medicine in Final MBBS  (May 2001)
  • Distinctions in Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Microbiology in I & II MBBS
  • 19th Rank for the state in 1st M.B.B.S. 
  • 2nd prize for presentation on ” Universal precautions to be taken while handling HIV  positive patients “ at the Intercollegiate meet, in May 2001, India
  • 3rd prize for a presentation on “Ultrasound in Obstetrics “ at the Intercollegiate meet, in May 2001

Research & Publication

Guest Editorial : Microalbuminuria screening for all- New tool for Ayushman Kidneys? 
Sankaran Sundar, Girish Namagondlu
Journal Of Internal Medicine JIM3R Jan-Mar 2019 7-8; Volume : 7, Issue : 1

Review article : Drugs & Kidney – A friend in need or an enemy in disguise?
Girish Namagondlu, Sundar S
Journal Of Internal Medicine JIM3R July-Sep 2017, 16-23; Volume : 5 Issue : 3

Guest Editorial : Biomarkers in AKI – Have we found a Renal Troponin?
Girish Namagondlu, Sundar S
Journal Of Internal Medicine JIM3R July 2016

Lack of Motivation: A new modifiable risk factor for peritonitis in patients undergoing Peritoneal dialysis?
Paudel K, Girish Namagondlu, N Samad, Mckitty K, Fan SL
J Ren Care 2014 Nov 19. Doi: 10.1111/jorc.12011. 


  • KMC 62799
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